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This listing works NOT WITH ALL READINGS, but only with the ones that state in their description, right below the waiting time, that it is compatible with that specific listing. If that was not mentioned then this listing cannot be purchased together with that reading.


+EXTRA INFO – this is an additional info on some cards in the spread, a few extra sentences with more clarification. For example your card is neutral (shows something like communication or a change not clear bad or good) or it is not clear what is more probable, then I will draw extra cards. Photos of those cards won't be included as this is a cheaper version to add some extra info not based on a nr of cards drawn.  Also I will check additional outcome paths available (if your reading includes any outcome) depending on your situation. Overall this will add 2-6 extra sentences of info. If you want it you need to add it extra to your cart TOGETHER WITH THE READING. This is not after the reading clarifications, but during the reading adding extra, for clarifications after the reading go for follow up questions.



This listing works with any option AUDIO/PDF readings or Standard/24H waiting time, the option depends stictly on a reading price.

There are 3 OPTIONS:

★READING price is equal or below 25 euro 

★READING price is above 25 euro, below 40 euro 

★READING price is equal or above 40 euro

IMPORTANT: if in one order you have multiple listings, you need to specify to which listing you want to add that extra info, because this applies to 1 listing only and not to multiple listings!!!!

If you have any problems please contact me directly.

* This is for entertainment purposes only. Please no death questions, lottery or questions about the medical treatments and pregnancies. I DO NOT READ FOR PREGNANT WOMEN!!!!*

+EXTRA INFO - Read a Description Before the Purchase

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