★STANDARD WAITING TIME: after you provide all REQUIRED is 3-5 days.
★24H OPTION added only for: Energy Cleaning, Energy Cleaning+1 organ, Energy Cleaning+2 organs,1 organ cleaning,2 organ cleaning,3 organ cleaning, Energy cleaning+1 person cord cutting,1 person cord cutting.★FASTER service for the remaining options comes only with RUSH MY ORDER.
!!!! WITH THIS PURCHASE I will only perform an energy cleaning, you will only get a msg from me when it is done, THIS IS NOT A READING!!! THERE IS NO ANY OTHER INFO WITH THIS!
✸✸✸Send me via MSG or to my email: onemoonuniverse@gmail.com✸Please send a msg to me and include your first name Name or a name of a person you are asking about.
✸Sent me a good quality picture of your face + another good picture of you standing. This is really important as I have to exactly project on your body as it is.
✸IF you ordered an organ cleaning please tell me in a msg what organ and what is the problem.
✸IF you ordered a cord cutting with a specific person, please send their picture too.
If you refuse to provide required infor, I will not work on it. This can be performed for ANOTHER PERSON. A special series of healing sessions could be altered special for you (for that you need one first energy cleaning and then we decide).✸✸✸
❁ENERGY CLEANSE: Ok - so when your physical body gets dirty you go to the shower to get rid of it. But What do you do when your energy gets dirty?? It does not just get clean on it's own and it needs a cleaning session just like your physical body!
This is not a magic (I don't do magic) this is an energy work on your light and astral bodies. I work on this with Archangels. This is not a religious thing as I don't believe in a religion, so to do this you don't need to believe in angels either. I will cleanse your energy, free you of all negative things in your bodies. All people that have ever had a contact develop a cord between them. A cord remains forever if you don't do anything. Some people are energy vampires or just draining people - if we have a contact with such person this cord is becoming their always ''food supply''. So it is important to clean your energy and to cut off all draining cords time to time. Insensitive people might actually notice no difference - though on energy level it is a huge difference.
!!!★ IF you seriously intend to do that and maintain it, then know that to fully remove all old energies takes 2-3 sessions with preferably 1-2 weeks time frame in between. 2 or 3 sessions I will only know after I complete the 2nd one. Then you maintain it - energy cleaning in normal life conditions (not when you have a depression or severe emotional distress) once in 1-3 months. The strongest effect is normally felt (only if you are more sensitive) within the 1st session and often the 2nd, because your old energies are being fully replaced with completely new ones. You could feel fatigue, tired, angry, devastated and so on for 24H after the 1st night. Normally when old energies are fully replaced and new ones maintained time to time, there is no more hard feeling on you, mostly uplifting, relief, being lighter etc. It is a unique process and it is impossible to predict how it will affect each person.
❁ORGAN CLEANING: This can be done only for an organ/condition (if you have a pain) or a specific disease or with General energy cleaning . This works well when negative energy builds up in certain organs too. This IS NOT A MEDICAL HELP or ADVICE or any alternative remedy!!!! This an energy work in addition to medications or some additional relief and nothing more. If you have a specific disease (mention in your msg) I can work on cleaning your system towards the symptoms you have and towards the organs involved, this can just give an additional help to the medication and a real treatment! If you just have a pain in a specific organ (send it in your msg), I can clean the energy of it and I will do a specific energy work on it. BUT THERE ARE NO GUAGANTEES OF A PAIN RELIEF ONLY HELP TO HEAL! This is also no remedy or medical advise. If you suffer from serious pain, you should seek medical attention!!! For a disease it helps to gain more positive energy in your bodies and gives more strength to fight back. This really helps with chronic conditions. It does not heal a disease!!! But it works the best when negative energy builds up in certain organs.
❁CUTTING OFF CORDS WITH 1 SPECIFIC PERSON: You can choose an option either an energy cleaning+cord cutting with a specific person or you can just cut off the cords with a specific person. This is something what helps to remove a person energetically from your life and not physically. When energy cleaning is targeting all negative cords in general with all connections you ever had, when it is about a specific person, it is targeting to cut off any sort of cords - mental, negative, soul tights, heart, physical etc. This is useful when you want to get rid of a negative person. Or if you cant forget/remove from your mind someone though you know you will have too, but removing energy of a person takes at least 2-3 sessions and if severe you might need a special prayer and a series of these cord cutting sessions. This is not some focus pocus, you also need invest your effort.
I also put some energy protection in the end of my ritual and it works at least for one month or more.
I will let you know once it will be done.
★★★I also work with some customers providing extra things, clearing negative effect of a negative spell work (not removing it), help to cope people with addictions, depressions, serious emotional distress, fears and many other things. There are multiple custom options + multiple sessions of healing. Each person who wants series of healing sessions will discuss things in a detail with me, we will establish what kind of cleaning would be the most effective and I will make a personal program with offered duration and frequencies that looks to me the most appropriate. This could get slightly amended as we go. I will give a little dicount on the series. But this must be discussed in a detail with me first. Additional energy cleanse options below as this listing is too full: https://www.onemoonuniverse.com/product-page/help-to-cope-with-addictions-fear-negative-feeling-general-energy-cleanse
✴✴✴I have a full time job so I make the spreads on my free time. Waiting time will vary and I will inform each requester. But expectation is that I will make a spread within 3-5 business days. ✴✴✴
If you have any problems please contact me directly.
* This is for entertainment purposes only. Please no death questions, lottery or questions about the medical treatments and pregnancies. I DO NOT READ FOR PREGNANT WOMEN!!!!*
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